Jumpstart Pre-School Office by Mind Manifestation Design
An office derived by the clever union of old and new elements to bring forth the prime focus of the kindergarten – Education and Play – that defines the underlying foundation behind its design process.
"Children are our greatest treasure. They are our future." - Nelson Mandela.
Jumpstart Pre-School office interestingly stands in a busy area surrounded by a Tech park on one side and a famous eatery on another. The pre-school structure is blessed with ample natural light which has been used copiously in the project. With the rooftop area lying unused for long, the owners approached Mind Manifestation Design with the hope of converting it into a perennial space.

The space had to be designed in a way which would seem welcoming to the parents coming to enroll their kids as well as visually appealing to their tiny tots. A clever union of old and new elements to bring forth the prime focus of the kindergarten – Education and Play – has been the underlying foundation behind the design process.
Mind Manifestation Design decided to retain the existing blue toned ceramic mosaic floor of the space with little refurbishments and plan the design interventions suitably around it.

Use of natural wood with bold colour palette, and the built interventions using refurbished old material with least built impact to flow with the surrounding and proposed landscape within the premises were the key considerations to drive the project.
An Office: CEO’s lighthouse and A multipurpose space: IDEA Foundry, the functions beings significantly distinguished in nature and the site geometrically allowing separation of two functions with a common staircase and a cozy waiting lobby in between, we dedicated one for each. With the given preschool context, said functions in the given brief are playfully distributed in the available carpet with a fresh and young colored envelope in order to redefine the user experience.

Idea Foundry:
A Lego inspired multipurpose composition with media setup at times acts as an amphitheater or a casual sit out or a fun place for kids to explore, same time taking care of the storage requirement of the space. Again the color gradient scheme of the composition is the subtle derivation of original floor mosaic color palette.
The space is actively used by the school for staff training, kid’s recreation, movie screenings, tutorial sessions, social gatherings etc.
CEO’s Lighthouse:
The Owner’s requirement of their own Signature Corner within the premises to meet and greet their prospective clients.
Again the approach here is same with a playful fun place to arrange few workstation with variety of siting possibilities.
Site being a rooftop terrace covered with a temporary structure, choices of material to suit the economics, functionality and aesthetics was the foremost challenge of the project.

The Pivoted Facade:
Covering of the sides of the premises which is temporary in nature yet allows the cut-off from excessive sunlight and neighboring noise brought in the concept of metal pivoted fin facade. As per requirement of the comfortable working condition in usable carpet this facade allows numerous possibilities of light penetration and controlled wind condition. Aesthetically the facade plays significant role to create the interesting play of light and shadow.
The schools in 90's had typical symbolic elements which are in the subconscious memories of kids of that era. Considering the age group of the visitors we tried to insert some of such nostalgic elements which rewinds the school time memories of visitors from regional India.
Typical handpicked elements from the typical principle’s cabin are interpreted in today’s modern minimal design language. Caricature of educational leaders, selective antique elements, classical furniture in natural wood and cane set the mood of the CEO’s cabin.
The older version of school bell is depicted through a similar system, the Principal uses it as a call bell. Typical design of “abacus” is interpreted in the main workstation table which takes care of its aesthetics same time adds the flavor to the purpose of the space. Other elements from school like, the slates, card boards, the speakers, signage systems etc. are significantly sited within the premises to make part of the original design scheme same time giving the feel of nostalgia in the minds of visitors.

The terrace being covered with unplanned fabricated roof structure and presence of rooftop level services required a smart solution to hide those. To tackle the same along with noise and heat reduction at roof level, idea of skyline diffusers came into picture. The site was stored with plenty of pallets which we separated and used to form an additional layer between the roof and the habitable spaces below. This resulted in heat and noise reduction to some extent, same time giving an aesthetic appeal to the entire carpet and a sense of continuity between both the spaces.
Project: Jumpstart Pre- School Office
Location: Karve Road, Pune
Firm: Mind Manifestation Design LLP
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mmdesignindia/
Principal Architects: Ar.Anand Deshmukh, Ar. Chetan Lahoti
Design Team: Anand Deshmukh, Chetan Lahoti, Dipti Kanade, Shubham Suratkar
Photography: Hemant Patil
In Collaboration with: Space It Up Interiors
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spaceitup_design/
Website: http://www.spaceitup.in/