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This Brand Aims to Deliver Zero-Waste and Sustainable Fashion

Bageeya Eco-Clothing by Jigisha Shukla

Based out Delhi, Bageeya derives it’s meaning from Hindi vocabulary that translates into to ‘a small garden’. It is here that their inspiration for material, print and texture comes from.

Bageeya Eco-Clothing takes birth from natural dyes, which for centuries is believed to have medicinal properties. The prints and textures on each article are uniquely formed using actual leaves and flowers.

Being a sustainable label, designers at Bageeya noted that following a sustainable lifestyle runs down the line of history where people would produce, reuse, mend, and lend - both crops and products. From a time, when best efforts were put to give back what was taken from the surroundings.

Picture Courtesy:Bageeya

So the best way of living still would be to bring the past into practice in present. Thus, Bageeya holds hands with different techniques to promote sustainable fashion. It's known that the textile industry is the second most polluting industry in the world, which can only be reversed by making better choices hence, Bageeya started working towards conservation of the environment without compromising on fashion.

Picture Courtesy:Bageeya

Bageeya envisions spreading sustainability with AFFORDABILITY and UTILITY in the mass that wants to bring a change in the pattern of fashion consumption.

To develop a sustainable model of business, we have been making efforts to associate with communities believing in similar causes and while taking baby steps towards our goal.

Picture Courtesy:Bageeya

"We try our best to reduce waste in any form. When it comes to circular fashion, we incorporate innovative dyeing with natural extracts left after the preparation of the dye. What is left further goes into a compost pit to make organic fertilizer. Our efforts are always directed towards generating Minimal wastage in the entirely natural process." explained the designers at Bageeya.

Shop products from Bageeya here.


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