Kitaab Khana by Compartment S4
The project is a beginning of an iterative process to understand how the role of pragmatic architecture principles for directionality, axis, and orientation could guide the design requirements in an ‘Interior Design’ project
The requirements provided by the client are realistically and literally transformed into the most basic architectural elements - walls & slabs. The space is designed for two brothers dealing in books as a commodity and is situated in a large office complex. One of the major requirements is the storage and display of books, a design revolves around a large corridor of books.
Two walls are used to house books instead of humans and a slab over it is used as a shelf or a shelter for books. These basic forms are not only repeated to meet the requirements but also provide and cut necessary scales in the space. A rhythm is formed. Kota stone forms the unifying ground and the Indian Patent Stone guides the eye. The exposed brick fins create a sense of repetition and the concrete flat beams break the volume to a more humane scale.
KitaabKhana is one of the many interior projects where the architect attempts to find the role of the basic architectural elements and principles to create a more straightforward yet meaningful space.
Project: Kitaab Khana
Location: Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Design House: Compartment S4
Photography: Palak Jhaveri